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Announcement in accordance with Section 10 of Chapter 2 of the Finnish Securities Market Act


Oriola-KD Corporation Stock Exchange Release 29 June 2009 at 1.15

In accordance with the Securities Market Act Section 9 Chapter 2,
Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company has notified Oriola-KD
Corporation on 29 June 2009 as follows:

After share acquisitions on 26 June 2009 by Varma Mutual Pension
Insurance Company, its share of the total votes in Oriola-KD
Corporation has exceeded one twentieth (1/20) in accordance with the
Securities Market Act Section 9 Chapter 2.

Moreover, Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company announces that:

1. The full name and business identity code: Oriola-KD Corporation,

2. Reason for flagging announcement: The ownership of Varma Mutual
Pension Insurance Company has exceeded one twentieth (1/20) of the
total votes of Oriola-KD Corporation's shares.

3. The date on which the ownership has exceeded the one twentieth
(1/20) limit referred to in Section 9 of Chapter 2 of the Securities
Markets Act: 26 June 2009.

4. Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company's direct ownership of
Oriola-KD Corporation's shares and votes by share classes on 26 June

                         Number % of the total        % of
Share class           of shares         shares total votes
Class A               2,653,500        1,754 %     4,957 %
Class B               2,727,500        1,803 %     0,255 %

Total, class A and B: 5,381,000        3,558 %     5,211 %

The total number of Oriola-KD Corporation shares on 29 June 2009 is
151,257,828. The number of A-shares is 48,392,203 and the number of
B-shares is 102,865,625. Each A-share provides 20 votes and each
B-share 1
vote. Accordingly the total number of votes is 1,070,709,685.

5. The shareholders full name and business identity code: Varma
Mutual Pension Insurance Company, 0533297-9.

6. The ownership chain of the undertakings mentioned here in: Varma
Mutual Pension Insurance Company, direct ownership.

Oriola-KD Corporation

Eero Hautaniemi
President and CEO

Thomas Heinonen
General Counsel

Further information:

Pellervo Hämäläinen
Vice President, Communications and IR
Tel. +358 10 429 2497

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd.
Principal media

Oriola-KD Corporation
Corporate Communications
Orionintie 5
FI-02200 Espoo, Finland