Sustainability development 2019

We defined our long-term sustainability goals in 2019. To measure our achievement, we set key performance indicators (KPI) to the strategy period 2020-2022. Please click the long-term goal to see our sustainability performance in 2019.

Our long-term sustainability goals

Goals for 2020-2022 Development in 2019
Introducing new services to promote people’s health In 2019, we opened four Drop-In clinics and started the MinDos dose-dispensing service for private customers in our Kronans Apotek pharmacies.
High-quality pharmaceutical deliveries We are developing a Group level key indicator, based on industry standards, for our deliveries.
Increasing sustainable products in our private labels  Defining process for sustainable product criteria on-going.
Goals for 2020-2022 Development in 2019
A high employee engagement and raising the engagement index to an excellent level The employee engagement survey was conducted twice for all employees in the Group in 2019. The employee engagement index was 77 (76 in 2018).
Minimising employee turnover Employee turnover was 9.2% in 2019.
Goals for 2020-2022 Development in 2019
Using 100% renewable energy The share of renewable electricity was 92% in 2019 (90% in 2018).
Increasing our recycling rate to 85% In 2019, we enhanced recycling in our Mankkaa distribution centre. We achieved our earlier goal ahead of time, so we raised the target level. Our recycling rate was 70.6% in 2019 (67% in 2018).