Oriola-KD Corporation has completed the sale of its Healthcare Trade business to Mediq N.V.
Oriola-KD Corporation Stock Exchange Release 31 May 2010 at 1.30 p.m.
The transaction of Oriola-KD Group's Healthcare Trade business to Dutch stock
listed company Mediq N.V. has been completed. Mediq has paid EUR 85 million in
cash for the acquisition to Oriola-KD on 31 May 2010. Oriola-KD will record a
profit of approximately EUR 60 million from the sale of the business in the
second quarter of 2010. The sale of the Healthcare Trade business supports
Oriola-KD's strategy to focus on Pharmaceutical Wholesale and Retail businesses.
The net sales of Healthcare Trade business in 2009 were EUR 145.1 million (EUR
155.2 million) and operating profit EUR 8.9 million (EUR 7.9 million). The
business has currently some 440 employees in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia,
Latvia and Lithuania.
Changes in Oriola-KD Group's Management Team: Mr Ilari Vaalavirta, member of
Oriola-KD Group's Management Team and Vice President of Healthcare Trade
business will move to Mediq at time of the sale of Healthcare Trade business
Oriola-KD Corporation
Eero Hautaniemi
President and CEO
Kimmo Virtanen
Executive Vice President and CFO
Further information:
Kimmo Virtanen
Executive Vice President and CFO
tel. +358 (0)10 429 2069
e-mail: kimmo.virtanen@oriola-kd.com
Pellervo Hämäläinen
Vice President, Communications and Investor Relations
tel. +358 (0)10 429 2497
e-mail: pellervo.hamalainen@oriola-kd.com
NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
Principal media
Published by:
Oriola-KD Corporation
Corporate Communications
Orionintie 5
FI-02200 Espoo, Finland