Oriola-KD Corporation Stock Exchange Release 24 November 2010 at 4.50 p.m.
The Board of Directors of Oriola-KD Corporation has confirmed the long-term
targets and dividend policy of the Oriola-KD Group. The targets are based on
growth, profitability (ROE) and balance sheet figures. The new long term targets
and dividend policy replace the targets and dividend policy published on 1
November 2006.
Oriola-KD's new long term targets and dividend policy are:
* To grow faster than the relevant markets
* ROE (Return on Equity) target is over 15 per cent
Balance sheet
* Long-term average gearing ratio target is between 40 - 60 per cent
Dividend policy
* Oriola-KD will seek to pay out annually as dividends approximately 50
per cent of earnings per share
* The Company's strategy and financial position shall be taken into
consideration when determining the annual dividend payout ratio
Oriola-KD Corporation
Eero Hautaniemi
President and CEO
Kimmo Virtanen
Executive Vice President and CFO
Further information:
Eero Hautaniemi
President and CEO
tel. +358 (0)10 429 2109
e-mail: eero.hautaniemi@oriola-kd.com
Kimmo Virtanen
Executive Vice President and CFO
tel. +358 (0)10 429 2069
e-mail: kimmo.virtanen@oriola-kd.com
Pellervo Hämäläinen
Vice President, Communications and Investor Relations
tel. +358 (0)10 429 2497
e-mail: pellervo.hamalainen@oriola-kd.com
NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
Principal media
Published by:
Oriola-KD Corporation
Corporate Communications
Orionintie 5
FI-02200 Espoo, Finland