Oriola-KD to improve efficiency in Swedish pharmaceutical retail operations
Oriola-KD Corporation Stock Exchange Release 21 September 2011 at 3.00 p.m.
Kronans Droghandel pharmacy chain has completed the implementation of a new
information system to all its 202 pharmacies in Sweden. This will enable the
company to further accelerate the efficiency program.
The Kronans Droghandel Apotek AB has today decided to start negotiations with
the unions to reduce with a maximum of 40 positions to enhance the efficiency
and profitability.
Kronans Droghandel Apotek AB is a jointly owned company of Oriola-KD and KF
(Kooperativa Förbundet). Oriola-KD has 80 per cent and KF 20 per cent ownership
of the pharmacy company.
Oriola-KD Corporation
Eero Hautaniemi
President and CEO
Kimmo Virtanen
Executive Vice President and CFO
Further information:
Eero Hautaniemi
President and CEO
tel. +358 (0)10 429 2109
e-mail: eero.hautaniemi@oriola-kd.com
Kimmo Virtanen
Executive Vice President and CFO
tel. +358 (0)10 429 2069
e-mail: kimmo.virtanen@oriola-kd.com
Pellervo Hämäläinen
Vice President, Communications and IR
tel. +358 (0)10 429 2497
e-mail: pellervo.hamalainen@oriola-kd.com
NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
Principal media
Published by:
Oriola-KD Corporation
Corporate Communications
Orionintie 5
FI-02200 Espoo, Finland