Recommendation by the Nomination Committee of Oriola-KD Corporation concerning the Board of Directors to be elected by the 2015 Annual General Meeting
Oriola-KD Corporation Stock Exchange Release 28 January 2015 at 11 a.m.
Recommendation by the Nomination Committee of Oriola-KD Corporation concerning
the Board of Directors to be elected by the 2015 Annual General Meeting
The Nomination Committee of Oriola-KD has presented to the Board of Directors
its recommendation on the proposal to the 2015 Annual General Meeting concerning
the composition of the Board of Directors as follows:
* The number of members of the Board of Directors would be eight
* The present members of the Board of Directors Jukka Alho, Per Båtelson, Anja
Korhonen, Kuisma Niemelä and Matti Rihko would be re-elected
* Eva Nilsson Bågenholm, Staffan Simberg and Anssi Vanjoki would be elected
new members of the Board of Directors
* Anssi Vanjoki would be elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors
The Nomination Committee has assessed all candidates to the Board of Directors
to be independent of the company and its major shareholders.
Member of the Board of Directors Harry Brade will leave the office of Board of
Directors after the 2015 Annual General Meeting.
The Nomination Committee also announces as its recommendation that the following
remunerations would be paid to the members of the Board of Directors:
* Chairman of the Board: fee for term of office of 48,400 euros
* Vice chairman of the Board: fee for term of office of 30,250 euros
* Chairman of the Audit Committee: fee for term of office of 30,250 euros
* Other members of the Board: fee for term of office of 24,200 euros
* Attendance fees would be paid as follows: for Board of Directors meetings
1000 euros per meeting to the Chairman and 500 euros per meeting to members
and for committee meetings 1000 euros per meeting for the committee chairman
and 500 euros per meeting to members
* Of the fees for term of office, 40 per cent would be paid in Oriola-KD
Corporation's class B-shares and 60 per cent would be paid in cash
* Travel expenses would be reimbursed in accordance with the travel policy of
the company
The recommendation on board remunerations will be proposed by a shareholder at
the 2015 Annual General Meeting.
The Nomination Committee appointed by the Board of Directors of Oriola-KD on 1
October 2014 consists of Jukka Alho, Harry Brade, Peter Immonen, Timo
Ritakallio, Into Ylppö and Pekka Pajamo as chairman.
Presentation of Eva Nilsson Bågenholm:
Eva Nilsson Bågenholm (b. 1960) is as of 2015 the Quality director of Humana AB.
Most recently before that she has served as National Coordinator for Elderly
Care in the Swedish Ministry of Health and Social Affairs 2011-2014. Nilsson
Bågenholm has served as the Chairman of the Swedish Medical Association
2004-2010 and a member of the board of the World Medical Association 2005-2009.
Nilsson Bågenholm has served as medical expert in several Official Reports
relating to patient security and quality of medical care.
Presentation of Staffan Simberg:
Staffan Simberg, (b. 1949) currently serves as member of the board of directors
in Elektrobit Oy, Elektrobit Technologies Oy, Nordic Vehicle Conversion AB and
Silva Group AB as well as Chairman of the board of directors of Endomines AB
(publ.). Simberg is also the Chairman of the Audit Committee in Elektrobit Oy
and a member of the Audit Committee in Endomines AB. Additionally he acts as
Chairman of the board of directors in his controlled companies Simberg&Partners
Oy and NEZ-Invest Oy. Simberg has worked for over 20 years in different
positions in Nokia Corporation, member of the Advisory Board in Landis & Gyr AG,
industrial adviser in Metso Oyj and Cargotec Oyj, chairman of the board in Metso
Panelboard Oy and Svensk Linjebesiktning AB as well as acted as advisor to the
board of Valmet Automotive Oy.
Presentation of Anssi Vanjoki:
Anssi Vanjoki (b. 1956) is a Professor at Lappeenranta University of Technology
and an Individual Multicontributor. Vanjoki worked for Nokia Corporation from
1991 and as Executive Vice President and Member of the Executive Board of Nokia
Corporation from 1998 until 2010. Currently Vanjoki serves as Chairman of the
boards of directors of Amer Sports Corporation and Vertu Holdings Ltd.
Additionally Vanjoki is a member of the boards of directors of Basware
Corporation, Koskitukki Oy and Sonova Holding AG.
Oriola-KD Corporation
Board of Directors
For additional information, please contact:
Jukka Alho
Chairman of the Board of Directors
tel. +358 40 7367433
Petter Sandström
General Counsel, secretary to the Board of Directors
tel. +358 10 429 5761
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