AstraZeneca and Oriola join forces in supporting health in Finland
AstraZeneca, a multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnology company (having roots is Britain and in Sweden) and Oriola will start pharmaceutical distribution collaboration in Finland on 1 September 2021. A joint interest for the companies is to promote health in the society and build a healthier tomorrow for all of us.
"Having AstraZeneca as our customer is fantastic. We have had a good cooperation and dialogue with AstraZeneca from the beginning. Our shared interest is to support health and wellbeing in the society. I really look forward supporting their success in Finland with our expertise that covers the whole lifespan of a medicine,’’ says Fredrik Pamp, VP, Business Area Pharma, Oriola.
AstraZeneca’s main therapy areas and products relate to cardiovascular, metabolic and renal, oncology, and respiratory and immunological diseases. In addition to company’s extensive portfolio of pharmaceuticals, AstraZeneca is focusing on developing new, next generation therapeutics. They have currently several research projects ongoing also in Finland.
"We have a longstanding commitment to patients and their wellbeing. Our aim is to deliver the healthcare experience and outcomes people care about most so they can enjoy fulfilling lives. Joining forces with Oriola, driven by a purpose 'Health for life', is a match. With this collaboration we can be sure that our pharmaceuticals are available and help patient when needed," says Roland Lidberg, Director Commercial Logistics, AstraZeneca